Our 'family members':

Zenda Costa

Co-founder of Fafschool | English Teacher | Speaker | Cambridge Speaking Examiner
26 years of experience in teaching English

Domingos Teixeira

English Teacher
15 years of experience in teaching English

Paula Freitas

English Teacher
8 years of experience in teaching English

Diego Freitas

English teacher with 17 years of experience in the teaching of tenagers and adults.

Conceição Costa

English Kindergarten Teacher | German Teacher
12 years of experience in teaching kindergarten English | 15 years of experience in teaching German

Daniel Lopes

Manager and Co-founder of Fafschool
28 years of management experience

Ana Gonçalves

English teacher with 5 years of experience. Head of Fafschool’s Business English Department.

A Family-Run English School

An English School Focused on Kindness, Respect, and Growth

Our core values are and will always be the same. They are linked with who we are, and who we would like to be, which is being an educational family.

We want to have the biggest asset of all which is love. Obviously we love what we do, we love our work, which is teaching and we love education. We also want kindness to be promoted, amongst students and amongst ourselves but the other core values are obviously a bit higher; with a higher nature in mind. We want people to respect each other!

We want people to be part of something bigger, which can help them grow. We always incentivate students to get a bit out of their comfort zone, to think outside the box, to value teamwork, to rely on others and not just to promote individualism.

Those are our main values which we share, and every single teacher tries his or her best to implement these in their everyday teaching.

Our Story

Our story started way before Fafschool was even ‘born’. Teacher Julie and I (teacher Zenda) were teaching at the same private school, when we found out that we shared the same core values regarding education.

We had our biggest ally in my husband, Daniel, who pulled all the strings together to give shape to our common goal. He was unstoppable, trying to find the right premises and prepare everything for us to be able to put our vision into practice. He found the perfect spot and we all decided to name it Fafschool. A place where we would be able to teach the way we wanted to teach, which is having every single child in mind or at least try. We were finally able to do so back in 2008 when we officially opened Fafschool for the first time.

We opened in July for enrollments and in September of 2008, we officially started teaching for the first time. So, this year 2023, we are going to celebrate our 15th anniversary, which is quite an amazing accomplishment for all of us. We are so proud and grateful to everybody and therefore we have to thank every single teacher and student who was part of our journey all throughout these 15 years.

Our special thanks goes out to Teacher Julie (Miss Julie), who was with us since the beginning putting all her heart and soul into this project. We thank her for everything she has done for Fafschool and for the indelible footprints she has left behind. We hope to be able to step into them one day.

To all our other teachers, who have been with us on this path and to those who are still walking it, we can only thank them for all their commitment and dedication during these 15 years of fantastic cooperation.

So, this is our story…

Zenda Costa


Our Exam Centre

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